hapego plastics – your partner for the development of high-quality sustainable compounds

Together with its production partners Kays, Politem and Symplast, hapego plastics has already achieved numerous series approvals in the automotive and energy industries. Especially with recyclate-based technical compounds, for example made of PC/ABS, PC with short glass fibre, NHFR flame retardant and polyolefins with talcum and short glass fibre reinforcement, the requirements of the automotive industry in terms of heat resistance, rheology, mechanical properties and surface quality can be consistently met.

The European Union’s new end-of-life vehicle regulation is encouraging OEM and tier suppliers to increase the quotas for post-consumer recyclate (PCR) in new plastic components in new vehicles.

Recyclates offer enormous advantages in terms of the required sustainability aspects. A distinction is mainly made between post-industrial recyclate (PIR) and post-consumer recyclate (PCR).

According to the experts at hapego, the proposed recyclate utilisation rate of 25% per new vehicle by 2030 for products in so-called re-use must be seen as a challenge due to the existing material flows and specifications.

The reuse of existing plastic reduces waste volumes and greenhouse gas emissions. The resulting efficiency leads to lower consumption of energy and raw materials. To achieve this, however, it is necessary to design and nominate the proposed and subsequently used materials in a recycling-friendly manner and to create an adapted specification sheet for higher quotas in the vehicle.

With the know-how of its team of experts, hapego is able to fulfil precisely these requirements. Whether PC/ABS odourless with good surface quality and matt or glossy grain or PC with good rheology, a wide processing window with less pressure load and UL94 flame retardancy classes, no problem for the experts at hapego. PP, PA6 and PA66 with specifications in the areas of odour, emissions or fogging, good surface quality and long flow paths are challenging, but hapego can provide them for its customers.

If you would also like to benefit from this sustainable range of services, please contact the team of experts at hapego plastics now: https://hapego.de/en/contact-person/ 


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