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The close partnership between hapego plastics GmbH and Politem guarantees both the continuous expansion of the product portfolio and individual advice on the production of compounds that are perfectly tailored to your applications. The company has concentrated on the development of high-quality polymers for the automotive, electrical and household goods industries, for example, since 2006. Various standard compounds or special compounds individually adapted to customer requirements and tested according to the latest guidelines are produced on state-of-the-art wear-protected twin-screw extruders. Our own in-house research and development department continuously works on product innovations. The product ranges are available in natural colours or other desired colours and include the following products:

  • RUGOPA: Family of polyamides that includes various PA compounds with different chemical structures: M-Series (PA 6), S-Series (PA 6.6) and K-Series (Co-PA)
  • RUGOPPA: Compounds based on polyphthalamide (PPA).
  • MAGNAPBT: Compounds based on polybutylene terephthalate (PBT).
  • INGEPET: Compounds based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET).
  • ANKYLOSE: Compounds based on polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP).
  • SPINOPC: Compounds based on polycarbonate (PC).
  • MONOLABS: Compounds based on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).
  • JOBABLEND: Polymer blends based on PC/ABS, PC/PBT, PA/ABS, PA/TPU.

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hapego plastics GmbH · Ludwig-Erhard-Str.22 · D-41564 Kaarst · Tel.:+49(0) 2131 29866-0 · Fax.:+49(0) 2131 29866-19
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