Progressive and Autom – hapego plastics GmbH offers a broad portfolio of materials and individual advice on technical applications to enable the profitable use of your products in a dynamic industry.

Polymers play an important role in the field of medical technology and hygiene because they offer a high degree of design diversity through their individual property profiles.

However, there are extremely high purity requirements for products used in the medical and hygiene sectors.

They must, therefore, comply with BgVV and FDA requirements and be certified. Depending on the application, polymers used in the medical sector must also have a USP Class VI certificate.

Our compounds are used in soft-touch toothbrush handles, rubber stoppers for syringes, pacifiers, teats and hospital shoes.

Some of the special requirements on polymers for use in medical technology and hygiene are:

  • Very good bio-compatibility
  • The ability to be sterilised
  • Certifications according to the FDA and where required a USP class VI certificate
  • Compliance with the BgVV requirements
  • High flexibility

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