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hapego plastics GmbH works in close cooperation with ISO-certified partners to bundle joint expertise and ensure a comprehensive portfolio.

Outsourcing the manufacturing processes enables us to provide flexible and tailor-made advice and recommend the ideal product, regardless of our own resources and fixed batch sizes. Whether you are a global player or a locally rooted company, it is not the order volume that determines whether we find the right solutions for your enquiry. With a total capacity of around 100,000 tons per year, we can always demonstrate the best delivery performance and ensure consistently high quality.

HAPEGO PLASTICS GMBH · Ludwig-Erhard-Str.22 · D-41564 Kaarst · Tel.:+49 (0) 2131 29866-0 · Fax.:+49(0) 2131 29866-19
E-Mail : service@hapego.de  Imprint   Data Privacy Policy   General Terms

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