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Privacy Statement

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  1. Data Privacy at a Glance

General Notes

The following notes provide a general overview about how your personal data is processed when you visit our website. Personal data means all data that can identify you personally. Please refer to the detailed information regarding data protection in the privacy statement below.

Data Collection on our Website

Who is responsible for the data collection on this website?

The owner of this website executes the data processing on this website. The contact data is available in the imprint of this website.

How do we collect your data?

The data saved is, for example, your personal input. This could be data entered into a contact form. Our IT-system is automatically saves other data when you access our website. This is mainly technical data (e.g. internet browser, operating system or time of your website access). The recording of this data takes place automatically as soon as you enter our website.

What do we do with your data?

We save a part of your data to guarantee an error-free use of our website. Other data could be used to analyse your consumer behaviour.

Which rights do you have regarding your data?

You are entitled to free-of-charge disclosure of the source, recipient and intended purpose of your personal data at any time. You are also entitled to request correction, blocking or deletion of this data. Please direct this and other requests regarding data protection at the address stated in the imprint at any time. Furthermore, you have the right to appeal at the appropriate supervisory authority.

  1. General References and Mandatory Information

Data Protection

The operator of this website takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal information confidentially and in strict accordance with the Data Protection Act and this privacy agreement.

When you access this website various personal data is saved. Personal data is data that may identifies you personally. The present privacy statement details which kind of data we collect and what it is used for. It also explains how and why this is done.

We point out that data transmission on the internet (e.g. communication by e-mail) may have security lapses. Consistent protection of your the data from access by 3rd parties cannot be guaranteed.

Reference to the Responsible Authority

The responsible authority for data processing of this website is

hapego plastics GmbH
Managing director: Hans-Peter Angenendt
41564 Kaarst, Germany

Telefon: +49 (0) 2131 319762
e-mail: service@hapego23.sol-ist-da.de

The authority responsible is the natural person or legal entity which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data (e.g. names, e-mail addresses or similar).


Withdrawal of your Consent to Process your Personal Data

Many data processing acts require your explicit authorization. You can revoke your authorization at any time by e.g. sending us an informal e-mail message. The lawfulness of the data collected before the withdrawal of your consent shall remain unaffected.

Right of Appeal to the Competent Supervisory Authority

The party concerned is entitled to appeal to the competent supervisory authority in case of violations of data protection regulations. The competent body regarding data protection regulations is the privacy and data protection representative of the respective federal state, in which our business has its registered office (North-Rhine Westfalia).

You can find the contact data of the data protection representatives using the following link:




Right of Data Portability

You are entitled to obtain data that is subject to automated processing based on your authorization or in performance of a contract, to be handed to you or a third party in a conventional and machine-readable format.

In case you request us to transmit your data directly to another responsible person or body, this can only be effected where technically possible.

SSL- resp. TLS-Encryption

This page uses a SSL- respectively TLS-encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential contents, e.g. orders or inquiries that you send to us, the website operator. The connection is encrypted when the address line of the browser changes from “http://” to “https://” and when a padlock symbol appears in your browser line. When the SSL- resp. TLS-Encryption is enabled none of the data transmitted can be read by any third party.

Disclosure, Blocking, Deletion

Within the framework of the valid legal regulations, you are entitled to the disclosure of your saved personal data, their source and recipients as well as the purpose of the data handling. You are also entitled – if applicable – to have the data corrected, blocked or deleted at no charge. You can contact us at any time using the contact address shown in the legal notice in case you have any questions regarding this subject and personal-related data in general.

  1. Data Recording on our Website


Some of the web sites use so-called cookies. Cookies do not damage your computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies serve the purpose to make the services we offer more user-friendly, more effective and safer. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and are saved by your browser.

Most of the cookies used are so-called „session-cookies”. These will be automatically deleted upon exiting the website. Some cookies will be stored by your device until they are actively deleted. These cookies enable us to recognize your browser upon your next visit to our website.

In your browser settings you can choose whether you would like to receive information about each cookie setting or if you would like to allow cookies individually. Furthermore, cookies can be generally blocked and automated deletion of cookies upon browser closing can be activated. When cookies are deactivated, the functionality of the website may be restricted.

Cookies, which are necessary for the performance of electronic communication or for the provision of certain requested functions (e.g. shopping cart), will be saved according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit f DSGVO (GDPR General Data Protection Regulation). The website operator has a legitimate interest in saving cookies for the provision of a technical error-free and optimized service. In case cookies are placed for other purposes (e.g. analysis of your surfing behaviour), it will be dealt with separately within this data protection statement.


The provider of the website automatically collects and stores information sent by your browser, to our server-log-files. These are:

  • Browser type and browser version
  • Operating system used
  • Referrer URL
  • Host name of accessing computer
  • Time of server inquiry
  • IP address

We do not merge any of this data with other data sources.

The legal basis for processing data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) which allows data-processing for the performance of a contract or pre-contractual measure.

Contact Form

If you send us a message using the contact form, we will save the data including the contact data you entered as far as necessary for processing of your request and in case of follow-up requests. We will not pass this data to a third party without your consent.

Consequently, we process the data entered in the contact form exclusively based on your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO {GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation}) You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. It is sufficient to send an informal message by e-mail. The lawfulness of the data-processing operations up to the point of withdrawal remains unaffected from such a revocation.

The data you enter into the contact form remains with us until you request to delete it, revoke your consent for storage or the purpose of the storage is not applicable any longer (e.g. after processing of your inquiry is completed) Mandatory legal provisions – in particular record retention – shall remain unaffected.

  1. Plug-ins and Tools

Google Web Fonts

This website uses so-called web fonts, provided by Google, to ensure a uniform representation of fonts. When accessing a website your browsers loads the necessary web fonts into your browser cache to display texts and fonts correctly.

For this purpose, your browser must contact the servers of Google. Thus Google receives information that our website was accessed by your IP-address. We use Google web fonts for a uniform and attractive display of our online offers. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para 1 lit. f DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation).If your browser does not support web fonts, your device will use a standard font.

For further information on Google web fonts check:


and in Google’s Data Protection Statement:


© 2024 hapego plastics GmbH, all right reserved
hapego plastics GmbH · Ludwig-Erhard-Str.22 · D-41564 Kaarst · Tel.:+49(0) 2131 29866-0 · Fax.:+49(0) 2131 29866-19
E-Mail : service@hapego.de  Imprint   Data Privacy Policy   General Terms

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