Focus: Sustainability – hapego plastics GmbH and in particular its managing director, Hans-Peter Angenendt, have extensive experience in polymers recycling.

An ever-increasing number of our customers are asking for polymers with recycled content; but the ability to develop high quality, constant compounds from recycled raw materials and to be able to estimate which properties are required and how they can be achieved requires extensive experience. By working closely with our certified partners, we are able to produce uniform compounds of consistently high quality with the properties that you require.

The issues of „plastics recycling“ and „sustainability“ have been an important topic in the Angenendt family for two generations. Ernst O. Angenendt, father of Hans-Peter Angenendt (Managing Director hapego plastics GmbH), is one of Germany’s pioneers in the recycling of technical polymers into the production cycle. Mr Angenendt saw the potential and successfully paved the way for the market as far back as the 1960s. The processing of by-products into high-quality compounds is today an important division of hapego plastics GmbH – ecologically efficient, economically competitive.

Contract compounds

Individual and custom made

Application technology

Efficiency and

HAPEGO PLASTICS GMBH · Ludwig-Erhard-Str.22 · D-41564 Kaarst · Tel.:+49 (0) 2131 29866-0 · Fax.:+49(0) 2131 29866-19
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