hapego plastics – More than 30 years of experience in the development and production of high-quality plastic compounds  

From the idea to the development to the realisation of the product – hapego plastics GmbH offers everything from a single source.

As a global service provider, we guarantee you ‘Compounds and more’ in first-class quality and, above all, precisely tailored to your specific requirements. Thanks to our cross-industry expertise and decades of experience, we are the competent development partner at your side. Please feel free to contact us!

Solid network with certified partners

Together with our ISO-certified production partners, we produce a wide range of standard compounds as well as customised compounds – just as you need them for your end product. With our combined expertise, we guarantee the consistently high quality of our compounds. On this basis, we successfully achieve the best possible results for you.

Years of experience

Hans-Peter Angenendt, Managing Director of hapego plastics GmbH, can not only draw on his many years of experience in the production of compounds and the development and marketing of his own brands: his father, Ernst O. Angenendt, was already active in the plastics segment and, together with other experts, played a pioneering role in the field of plastics recycling in the 1960s. Among other things, he was a pioneer in the processing of production by-products into high-quality compounds.

Successfully moving towards a sustainable future

The topics of sustainability and resource conservation are very high on the agenda in legislation and in our company. Our innovative and application-orientated plastic compounds, with their customised properties, achieve virgin material standards and combine sustainability for high-end use in electrical and automotive engineering.

Our near-to-prime properties for sophisticated components and a reduced CO2 footprint result in a positive ecological balance and promote the circular economy.

Range of services

hapego plastics offers you high-quality prime and recyclate-based compounds in the field of thermoplastics. As our customer, you benefit from our in-house formulations and our closely networked partnerships. Alternatively, we will be happy to advise you individually on the development of a customised formulation, tailored to each application. hapego plastics scores with decades of experience and meets customer requirements with its own warehouses, in-house logistics and optimally equipped and networked partner laboratories internationally.

This means that hapego plastics is not only able to cover an impressively broad delivery programme, but can also meet requests that lie outside its own portfolio.

hapego plastics offers its customers a wide range of products consisting of a mix of new goods, recycled materials and special offers.

Our production partners

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hapego plastics GmbH · Ludwig-Erhard-Str.22 · D-41564 Kaarst · Tel.:+49(0) 2131 29866-0 · Fax.:+49(0) 2131 29866-19
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